Sunday, March 29, 2009


Maybe this isn't the most pleasant title, but I think all parents can appreciate that upon the birth of children life begins to revolve around poop. As a new parent, you're told to pay attention to frequency and consistency. I've never seemed to move past that, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this. I could tell you when both my boys last number two-ed, and more details then you could ever possibly want to know.

I hated potty training Luke. It took forever, and he was stubborn and uninterested. All I could think of was that I had another boy to go through this with. A couple of months ago, Ronin, who can't really talk, came to me and said "pee-pee" and went to the toilet. So, I humored him and put him up there, and he went. That was exciting, and we all cheered. And that's continued since then, he'll tell me when he's in the mood and he'll go and we clap and say "good job" and he claps and says "good job".

Why am I telling this story? Well, people, tonight he pooped! My almost 23 month-old pooped. On the toilet. I know I'm not supposed to compare, but Luke was well past 3 before he did that. I know having Luke has been a huge help on this front too. Ronin likes to do what Luke does.

I need some help going forward. When I potty trained Luke, we could have a conversation and understand each other. Ronin and I aren't having any discussions. So, any advice would be appreciated.

Even if it is awhile before he's out of diapers, this has got to prove it's going to be WAY easier than last time, right? I mean, he POOPED!!

1 comment:

Sis said...

I'm totally jealous. Kevin will be 3 this summer, and we have real conversations all the time. Often about how much he doesn't want to use the potty. He did it a couple of times, but now if I put him on, he screams until I take him off. It's awesome. I love your blog so far. Keep it up.