Sunday, December 13, 2009

Costumes and Cake

We had a busy Saturday yesterday. Shawn worked in the morning while I watched a friends' kids so she could go over to the church and decorate for the Christmas party that was last night. I knew we had to run to the fabric store when Shawn got home so we could find something that would work as a costume for a Lamanite for that night's performance of the Book of Mormon's nativity story. So in anticipation of the running around, I got on the ball early and made a cake to bring to the party early that morning, so that job was done and out of the way.

We had a fun morning playing with friends, doing laundry, and eating lunch and then we had a successful trip to Joann's.

Enter Samuel.......

I realize all the ladies are very jealous and the men are wondering how they can get their hands on such finery. I can help you all, but I do have a small consultation fee.

Shawn then had to go to a surprise birthday party for an employee while I got the rest of us ready to go party. Upon my exit of the from the bathroom, I found a surprise waiting for me in the kitchen.

Enter my eldest..............

Livid doesn't even begin to describe me. I was so mad all I could do was cry. I cut up the half of the cake that wasn't destroyed, added cookies to the plate and calle
d it good.

We made it to the church, dinner was tasty, Shawn did a fabulous job as a prophet, and for the highlight of the evening.....

.......enter Santa.

We had a nice evening with friends. Luke and Ronin were quite upset that Daddy got to wear a costume and they didn't and since I haven't updated in forever here is a picture of the boys in their costumes for Halloween.

Life continues to be good to us. We're blessed to be where we are, but in the middle of the holiday season, I find myself wishing we were closer to some family.

I'm looking forward to a fun day on Friday, I'm not sure what's happening, but I'm sure Shawn has something great planned for my birthday, aren't you? I'm not very excited to turn 29, but not nearly as unexcited as I'll be next year, I'm sure.

1 comment: said...

Shawn, you look fabulous! Maybe Derek and you could get matching duds?? Luke I feel your temptation--chocolate bunt cake happens to be one of my most faves!
Love you all and wish you were here to party with!